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Course Directors
Dr. Gabriel Constantinescu
Dr. Mircea Diculescu
Course Co-Directors
Dr. Madalina Ilie
Dr. Ruxandra Oprita
Dr. Vasile Sandru
Dr. Catalina Vladut
Dr. Oana Plotogea
International Guests
Dr. Alexander Arlt (Germany)
Dr. Mukul Arya (USA)
Dr. Harshit Khara (USA)
Dr. Peng Li (China)
Dr. Georgios Mavrogenis (Greece)
Dr. Thierry Ponchon (France)
Dr. Anand Sahai (Canada)
Dr. Radu Tutuian (Switzerland)
Dr. Giuseppe Vanella (Italy)
Romanian Guests
Dr. Gheorghe Balan
Dr. Mihai Ciocirlan
Dr. Eugen Dumitru
Dr. Carmen Fierbinteanu
Dr. Dan Gheonea
Dr. Cristian Gheorghe
Dr. Mariana Jinga
Dr. Alexandru Lupu
Dr. Bogdan Mateescu
Dr. Lucian Negreanu
Dr. Adrian Saftoiu
Dr. Andrada Seicean
Dr. Marcel Tantau
Dr. Bogdan Ungureanu
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